For a set of sets $A$, let $\cup A := \cup_{S \in A} S$.
Consider the following problem:
- a list of $m$ weights $w = (w_1, \ldots, w_m)$,
- a list of $n$ distinct subsets $T = (S_1, \ldots, S_n)$ such that $\bigcup_{S\in T} S = [m]$,
- an integer $k$.
Let $P$ be a partition of $T$. We say $P$ is a $k$-good partition when the size of each part is at most $k$: $\forall p \in P \ |p| \leq k$. The cost of $P$ is defined as the sum of weight of items counted once for each part they appear in, i.e. $$cost(P) := \sum_{p\in P} \ \sum_{x\in \cup p} w_x $$
Output: a $k$-good partition of $P$ of $T$ minimizing $cost(P)$.
What is the complexity of this problem?
Is it NP-hard or is there a polynomial-time algorithm?
$m = 7$, $w=(2,2,3,4,1,2,2)$,
$n = 3$, $T=(S_1=\{1,2,3\}, S_2=\{3,4,5\}, S_3=\{5,6,7\})$
In this case, since $k<|T|$, it is obvious that more than one partition is needed. Moreover, $S_1$ and $S_2$ should be packed together in the same configuration because of their heavy overlap ($S_1 \cap S_2$ gives the biggest overlap in our example - we pay 3 less cost units). So the optimal $P$ is $\{S_1, S_2\}, \{S_3\}$ with the total cost 12+5=17.
The unweighted version (when the weights of the elements are all 1) is also very interesting to me.