I was recently reading a very nice paper by Valiant and Vazirani which shows that if $\mathbf{NP \neq RP}$, then there can not be an efficient algorithm to solve SAT even under the promise that it is either unsatisfiable or has a unique solution. Thus showing that SAT does not admit an efficient algorithm even under the promise of there being at most one solution.
Through a parsimonious reduction (a reduction that preserves the number of solutions), it is easy to see that most NP-complete problems (I could think of) also do not admit an efficient algorithm even under the promise of there being at most one solution (unless $\mathbf{NP = RP}$). Examples would be VERTEX-COVER, 3-SAT, MAX-CUT, 3D-MATCHING.
Hence I was wondering if there was any NP-complete problem that was known to admit a poly-time algorithm under a uniqueness promise.