My question is: Given integers $r$ and $k$, is there an $r$-regular bipartite graph $G = L \cup R$ with $|L| = |R| = k$, which is $r$-edge connected, and such that every minimum cut is trivial?
We can make an $r$-regular $r$-edge connected bipartite graph $G = L \cup R$ with $|L| = |R| = k$, by taking a union of some hamiltonian cycles, but it has many non-trivial minimum cuts. (I say a cut is trivial if it is the set of edges incident on a single vertex).
If $r = 2$, then I think the only $r$-regular connected bipartite is a hamiltonian cycle, so it does not hold. But does it hold in $r >2$? I have also shown that all minimum cuts are trivial in complete bipartite graph $K_{r,r}$ (as long as $r \neq 2$).
In general how can I ensure that the minimum cuts are trivial in a graph?