I came upon a nice observation in communication complexity, and I was wondering if it was already known.
Consider the following variant of the equality problem: There is a fixed graph $G$ that is known in advance to both Alice and Bob. The players each get a vertex of $G$, and they need to decide whether their vertices are equal or not. Now, the point is that the players are promised that if their vertices are not equal, then they are neighbors in $G$. The standard equality problem corresponds to the case where $G$ is the complete graph.
It is not hard to prove that if the chromatic number of $G$ is $\chi(G)$, then the nondeterministic communication complexity of this problem is exactly $\log(\chi(G)) + \Theta(1)$, and the co-nondeterministic complexity is exactly $\log\log(\chi(G)) + \Theta(1)$.
Is this result published anywhere?