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Deciding if max-cut with negative edge weights has a solution with positive value

I am interested in the complexity of the decision problem whether max-cut with positive and negative edge weights has a solution with positive value: Given a graph $G=(V, E)$ and edge weights $w: E \...
badboul's user avatar
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4 votes
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Complexity of finding Exact Size Cut-Sets in Bipartite Graphs

I am interested in the problem of deciding if a cut-set of a given size $k$ (i.e. the number of edges crossing the partitions is $k$) exists in a given bipartite graph (both the graph and $k$ are part ...
allrtaken's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is the max cut problem still NP-Complete for graphs with unit weights on the edges? [closed]

We know that finding a max cut for weighted graphs is NP-Complete. I am trying to find a proof showing that even for graphs with just unit weights (every edge has weight 1) it is still NP-Complete. I'...
Burak Yıldıran Stodolsky's user avatar