Fix a prefix-free universal Turing machine $U$. Consider the following random process*. The state of the process is a bit-string $s$, initialized with the empty string (say). Suppose the value of the string on step $n$ is $s_n$. At the next step, we randomly generate a program $A$ using $U$, like in the definition of Chaitin's constant $\Omega$**. If $A$ doesn't halt we discard it and generate a new program. If it halts with output $t$ and $s_n$ is not a prefix of $t$ we also discard it and generate a new program. If $s_n$ is a prefix of $t$, we update the state according to $s_{n+1}:=t$. Note that $s_n$ is a prefix of $s_{n+1}$ i.e. at each step the string gets appended
Allowing the process to continue indefinitely, we get an infinite bit-string $s_{\infty}$. The question:
What is the probability $p$ that $s_{\infty}$ is computable? Is $p > 0$?
Of course $p$ a priori depends on $U$ but my intuition is that if it vanishes for some $U$ it vanishes for all, for approximately the same reason Kolmogorov complexity only weakly depends on $U$
*This process is closely related to the concept of Solomonoff induction
**This is done as follows. We generate an infinite sequence of bits $a$ by flipping a coin an infinite number of times. Since $U$ is prefix-free, there is a unique prefix $A$ of $a$ which is a valid program for $U$