I wish to take a look at online/approximate weighted and capacitated bipartite matching problem.
Consider $G=\{L\cup R, E\}$, $|L|=n_1$, $|R|=n_2$, $|E|=m$ and $E\subseteq L\times R$. For each $r_i\in R$, it has capacity $c_i$ which means that at most $c_i$ nodes from $L$ can be matched to $r_i$. The objective function to maximize is $\sum_{i=1}^{n_2}x_iw_i$ where $x_i$ is the number of nodes in $L$ matched to $r_i$ and $w_i>0$ is the weight. The constraints are (1) $x_i\in\{0,...,c_i\}$, (2) any node in $L$ can be matched at most once and (3) any node $l_j$ is allowed to be matched to $r_i$ if $(l_j, r_i)$ $\in E$.
Is there any paper that solved the exact problem as I described above (provides either approximate or online algorithm)? To be clear, I am asking for references, and methods are not necessary.