What is the worst case complexity of an algorithm to find a least partition of a set under a distance metric, described as follows:
- A set $S=\{s_1,\ldots,s_n\}$, where the elements $s_i$ are of some type $T$.
- A distance metric $D:T\rightarrow [0, \infty)$.
- A radius $r:[0, \infty)$
Output: A partition $S_1,\ldots,S_m$ of $S$ such that
- $S_i\cap S_j=\emptyset, i\neq j$ and
- $S=\cup_{i=1}^m S_i$ and
- $D(s,t) \leq r$, $s,t \in S_i$ and
- There is no other partition with the same properties of size $m^{\prime} < m$.
NOTE: I am saying "a partition" not "the partition", because there may be multiple partitions of least size for the same set of points. For example consider $2 n$ points on a large circle where the points are spaced such that each pair of points is distance $r$ apart. In this case there are $2 n-1$ distinct least-sized partitions of minimum size $n$.
NOTE: The following algorithm will produce a partition with desired properties except that it is not guaranteed to be least size:
- $i=1$
- While $|S| > 0$:
- Choose $e \in S$ and set $S:=S-\{e\}$
- $S_i=\{x\in S: D(e,x) \leq r\}$
- Set $S:=S \setminus S_i$
- Set $i:=i+1$
NOTE: It has been suggested that this is an NP-hard problem, but the above partial solution is $O(n^2)$.
NOTE: This problem is an abstraction of this geographic problem.