
By "revisit nodes," I mean if we didn't maintain a set of nodes we have visited. So the sum I'm examining is just the number of paths from a root to a node, across all roots and nodes. We'll also only consider DAGs for obvious reasons.

Imaginably, this is a hard query to google for. I'm looking for a complexity that is more precise than just "exponential" - is there some nice property of a graph that expresses this? For example, it would be convenient if the complexity would be linear if we the graph is just a tree. Maybe treewidth is helpful?


1 Answer 1


Suppose the graph has an adjacency matrix $M$. It's well known that the number of paths of length $k$ from $i$ to $j$ is $(M^k)_{ij}$. Since we care about paths of any length, we are interested in $M^0 + M^1 + M^2 + \dots = (I - M)^{-1}$. In particular, the vector $(I - M)^{-1} \bf{1}$ has in its $i$th position the number of paths starting from $i$.

  • $\begingroup$ That's neat but unfortunately not really useful 😅. This seems even harder to put a bound on, and I'm guessing that trees don't obviously satisfy the property I want through this lens. $\endgroup$
    – Adam Jamil
    Commented Jul 21, 2023 at 17:33

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