Here's my precise situation: I have a graph with nodes $V$ and edges $E$, and the nodes have some non-negative integer weights $w_i$. In one step of the protocol, I am now allowed to move weight around among nodes. This is expressed through a flow $f$ defined on the edges: $f(i,j)$ tells me how much weight I transfer from $i$ to $j$.
- The flow cannot create new weight.
- The flow must be integer.
- $f(i,j)$ is allowed to be larger than $w_i$, but after the entire flow has been applied all the $w_i$ must be non-negative again.
Let $\Delta_i$ be the total change in the weight on node $i$, with the sign convention such that $\Delta_i$ is positive if more tasks leave node $i$ than arrive at $i$. An upper bound on $\Delta_i$ is $w_i$, by virtue of the third condition on the flow. My question now is: Is there also a lower bound?
A naive lower bound for each $\Delta_i$ would be given by the sum of the $\Delta_j$ for all neighbors of $i$, but I wonder if some network- and graph-theory can find better bounds?
If a good lower bound on the $\Delta_i$ is not possible, maybe there is a good \emph{upper} bound on the quantity $$\sum_{i \in V} \Delta_i^2$$?