Given a graph $G(V,E)$, the classic maximum matching problem is choosing the maximum subset of edges $M$ s.t., for each edge $(u,v) \in M$, $d(u)=d(v)=1$.
Has anybody studied the following variant? For each edge $(u,v) \in M$ , $\left( \left(d(u) < c\right) \lor \left(d(v) < c\right) \right)$ holds, where c is a constant. We call this constraint a degree-constraint.
The classic constraint is an conjunction on degree with constant 1. The new variant is an disjunction on degree with constant $c$.
The problem on $c=2$ is already $NP-complete$ as shown by Jukka Suomela. I am interested in the potential approximation algorithms. A simple greedy algorithm is selecting maximum star subgraph iteratively until no star subgraph (i.e., no edge(a special star) ) can be selected. But this algorithm performs bad even when $G$ is a tree when $c=3$. There is a inner star whose center has degree $x$, and there are $x$ outer stars each center has degree $x$ and connected to the center of the inner star. The optimum value is $2*x+(x-2)*(x-1)$ by selecting $x-2$ edges from each of $x-2$ outer stars and 2 complete outer stars. The value produced by the greeedy algorithm is $x+1*x$ by selecting the inner star and one edge from every outer star.
The greedy algorithm above is $2\sqrt{n-1}$ approximation, where $n=|V|$. I want to find better approximation algorithm of this algorithm or prove its hardness of approximation.
Furthermore, I want to know the complexity class of this problem in the framework of parameterized complexity. Maybe it bears reasonable fixed parameter algorithm.
Thanks a lot for your comment and answer in advance. :-)