I'm wondering about the complexity of the following variant of the Generalized Weighted b-edge Matching problem:
Input: An undirected multigraph $G = (V, E)$ without loops, an edge partition $(E_1,E_2)$ such that $E_1 \cup E_2 = E$, capacity functions $b_l , b_u : V \to \mathbb{N}_0$, a weight function $w : E \to \mathbb{N}_0$ and target integers $r_1,r_2$.
Question: Are there subsets of edges $E_1' \subseteq E_1$ and $E_2' \subseteq E_2$ such that
- $\sum_{e\in E_1'} w(e) \geq r_1$ and $\sum_{e\in E_2'} w(e) \geq r_2$; and
- $b_l (v) \leq | (E_1' \cup E_2') \cap \delta (v)| \leq b_u(v)$ holds for each vertex $v \in V$ ($\delta (v)$ is the set of edges incident to vertex $v$)?
Is this problem solvable in polynomial-time or NP-hard?
Without the edge partition we have the standard problem which is solvable in polynomial-time (see Gabow [1] or Anstee [2]). This variant seems to be similar to the Directed Two-Commodity Integral Flow problem which is NP-hard but I couldn't figure out a reduction to this variant.
[1] Gabow, H. N. 1983. An efficient reduction technique for degree-constrained subgraph and bidirected network flow problems. In Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 448–456.
[2] Anstee, Richard P. "A polynomial algorithm for b-matchings: an alternative approach." Information Processing Letters 24.3 (1987): 153-157.