I've been reading a paper by a mathematical chemist. He proposes some indices to measure the complexity of molecules. From here on in, instead of molecules, think undirected connected graphs: a vertex is an atom, and an edge is a bond between atoms. It's possible to consider colorings of the vertices, to tell the Nitrogens apart from the Carbons, say, but I'll ignore that part for now.
The point: the indices he suggests are motivated by heuristics and experimental "looks good so far"-ness. I think there must be some actual theory known about some of these quantities, and I'm hoping to get some pointers here.
Fix a graph $G$. Let $C$ and $C'$ be two covers of $G$. Say $C$ and $C'$ are the same kind of cover if they contain the same types of subgraphs in equal numbers. (Note $C$ and $C'$ do not have to be isomorphic.) Now we define the following quantities:
$k_S(G) =$ number of kinds of minimal edge clique covers of $G$
$k_T(G) =$ total number of minimal edge clique covers of $G$
$k^{bi}_S(G) =$ same as $k_S(G)$ but for bicliques
$k^{bi}_T(G) = $ same as $k_T(G)$ but for bicliques
$p_S(G) =$ number of kinds of partitions of the edges of $G$ into cliques
$p_T(G) =$ total number of partitions of the edges of the graph into cliques
$p^{bi}_S(G), p^{bi}_T(G)$ as above, but with partitions of $G$ into bicliques
Empirically, it is apparently easier to calculate the $p$ measures than it is to calculate the $k$ measures. I expect something must be known somewhere about calculating some of these quantities. Can anyone provide algorithms, computational hardness, etc.? Thanks.