If we have a digraph $G=(V,A)$ with capacity $u_a\in \mathbb{N}$ for $a\in A$ and a source $s$ and sink $t$. I know the following theorem:
Let $f$ be a flow in the network above. Then there is a collection of feasible flows $f_1,\dots,f_k$ and $s$-$t$ paths $p_1,\dots,p_k$ such that
- $k\le |A|$
- the flow value of $f$ is equal the sum of the flow values of the $f_i$'s
- the flow $f_i$ sends only positive flow on the edges of $p_i$
I am wondering if for a given flow $f$ and integer $n$ under additional assumption there is such a decomposition in exactly $n$ such paths?
Motivation: In our lecture notes there use two iteration of the Ford–Fulkerson algorithm and claim: the resulting flow can be decomposed in 3 paths and a circulation. Clearly, from the algorithm I get two path, but how can I decompose the flow in three path and a circulation? The only decomposition theorem we had, is the one I stated above. I guess it uses some other approach. However the question of decomposing in exactly $n$ paths is also of particular interest for me. Thanks in advance.