I have a basic question regarding the best known polynomial-time "distinguishing advantage" for the planted clique problem. By this, I'm referring to the problem of distinguishing the distribution $G(n,\frac{1}{2})$ of Erdos Renyi Random graphs from $G_k(n,\frac{1}{2})$ -- the distribution of graphs formed by planting a clique of size $k$ in $G(n,\frac{1}{2})$. This problem (as well as its natural bipartite variant) is conjectured hard for $k=n^{\frac{1}{2} - \delta}$ when $\delta >0$ is an absolute constant. In this post, you can think of $k=n^{\frac{1}{4}}$.
It is often assumed as a hardness assumption that no polynomial time algorithm can distinguish $G(n,\frac{1}{2})$ from $G_k(n,\frac{1}{2})$ with "non-negligible" advantage. Formally, this means that for any "non-negligible" advantage $\epsilon>0$, there is no polynomial time algorithm $f$ from graphs to $\{0,1\}$ such that $|\Pr[ f(G)=1 ] - \Pr[f(G_k)=1] | > \epsilon$ for $G \sim G(n,\frac{1}{2})$ and $G_k \sim G_k(n,\frac{1}{2})$.
In applications of this hardness assumption which I have seen, "non-negligible" is often taken to mean an absolute constant. In other words, it is believed that no polynomial-time algorithm can distinguish between the two distributions with constant advantage. My question is whether this extends to sub-constant $\epsilon$ which are not too small? i.e., is it believed hard to distinguish the two distributions with advantage, say, $\epsilon = \frac{1}{n}$ or $\epsilon = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}$ ? Clearly, there is some advantage $\epsilon$ more than exponentially small in $n$ but less than a constant where this problem crosses from being easy to being hard, and I'm interested in what is known about this "threshold".
The only reference to sub-constant distinguishability I could find is in this paper, which (assuming I understand the paper correctly) seems to rule out polynomial-time distinguishability with $\epsilon > \frac{1}{o(n)}$ via "statistical algorithms." Anybody know what else is known / believed?