Chernoff bounds, in their various forms, bound the tails of a Binomial$(n,p)$ random variable $B$. Define the function $F(n,p,t):=P(B>t)$. Naively, computing $F$ requires exponential (in $n$) time. Suppose that $p$ and $t$ are specified with $O(n)$ bits -- this precision level is sufficient to describe all of the outputs in the range of $F$. I strongly suspect that there is no poly(n) time algorithm for computing $F$ exactly; is there any formal evidence of this?
Edit. As pointed out in the comments, the function above is of course computable in polynomial time. How about the following variant: $X_i$ are independent symmetric Bernoulli variables and $w_i\in[0,1]$ are weights specified with $O(n)$ bits each. Define the function $$ F(w,t):=P( \sum_{i=1}^n w_i X_i > t) .$$ Hoeffding's inequality provides exponential bounds on $F$; what is the complexity of computing $F$ exactly?