A language $L$ is in the class $DP$ iff there are two languages $L1 \in NP$ and $L2 \in coNP$ such that $L = L1 \cap L2$
A canonical $DP$-complete problem is SAT-UNSAT : given two 3-CNF expressions, $F$ and $G$, is it true that $F$ is satisfiable and $G$ is not?
The Critical SAT problem is also known to be $DP$-complete : Given a 3-CNF expression $F$, is it true that $F$ is unsatisfiable but deleting any clause makes it satisfiable?
I am considering the following variant of the Critical SAT problem : Given a 3-CNF expression $F$, is it true that $F$ is satisfiable but adding any 3-clause (out of $F$ but using the same variables as $F$) makes it unsatisfiable? But I don't succeed in finding a reduction from SAT-UNSAT or even prove it is $NP$ or $coNP$ hard.
My question: is this variant DP-complete ?
Thank you for your answers.