László Babai recently proved that the Graph Isomorphism problem is in quasipolynomial time. See also his talk at University of Chicago, note from the talks by Jeremy Kun GLL post 1, GLL post 2, GLL post 3.
According to Ladner’s theorem, if $P \neq NP$, then $NPI$ is not empty, i.e. $NP$ contains problems that are neither in $P$ nor $NP$-complete. However, the language constructed by Ladner is artificial and not a natural problem. No natural problem is known to be in $NPI$ even conditionally under $P \neq NP$. But some problems are believed to be good candidates for $NPI$, such as Factoring integers and GI.
We may think that with Babai's result, there might be a polynomial time algorithm for GI. Many experts believe that $NP \not\subseteq QP = DTIME(n^{poly\log n})$.
There are some problems for which we know quasi-polynomial time algorithms, but no polynomial time algorithm is known. Such problems arise in approximation algorithms; a famous example is the directed Steiner tree problem, for which there is a quasi-polynomial time approximation algorithm achieving an approximation ratio of $O(\log^3 n)$ ($n$ being the number of vertices). However, showing the existence of such a polynomial time algorithm is an open problem.
My question:
Do we know any natural problems which are in $QP$ but not in $P$?