Let $G = ( V_G, E_G )$ be a graph. Let $E_H \subseteq E_G$.
The subgraph of $G$ edge-induced by $E_H$ is $H = ( V_H, E_H)$, where
$V_H = \{ v \in V_G : \exists ( u, w ) \in E_H\ v = u \lor v = w \}$
Let $k_1 \leq |E_G|$ and $k_2 \leq |V_G|$ be given in input.
I would like to determine the number $k_3$ of edge-induced subgraphs of $G$ having $k_1$ edges and $k_2$ nodes. Clearly, I don't want to enumerate all the (exponentially many) subgraphs of $G$ having $k_1$ edges.
- Is it possible to determine $k_3$ in time polynomial in $|E_G|$?
- What if $G$ is 3-regular?
- What if $G$ is 3-regular planar?
- What if $G$ is 3-regular planar bipartite?
- Which is the best known algorithm to compute $k_3$? $\longleftarrow$ Added on 30/08/2012