A replacement path is a simple path allocated to an edge $e \in G$ that connects the endpoints of $e$ in $G \setminus \{e\}$.
The problem
An undirected graph $G$ is given and the task is to allocate a replacement path $P_e$ to each edge $e \in G$ such that for any pair of edges $e_1$ and $e_2$ it holds: if $e_2 \in P_{e_1}$ then $e_1 \not\in P_{e_2}$. In words, no two edges use each other in their replacement path. I call the paths $P_{e_1}$ and $P_{e_2}$ mutually exclusive.
The path length is not bounded and they can share edges. So any path allocation that satisfies the mutual exclusion would be good.
Now the question: is there already any problem closely related to this?
One could reduce this problem to Maximum Independent Sets problem: a vertex for every $(e,P_e)$ and edges connecting conflicting pairs (i.e. pairs violating the ME). However, in order to get a polynomial size instance we need to restrict the model so that each edge gets a constant number of candidate paths. However, this is not desired because the MIS instances seem to be NP-Hard (or not?).