
I am not aware of any source that compares both notions. Are there two functions in $\#P$, say $f$ and $g$, such that $f \in \mathbf{FP}^g$ but there is no polynomial-time many-one counting reduction from $f$ to $g$?

By the second notion of reduction, I am referring to a pair of polynomial-time computable functions, $h_1$ and $h_2$, such that $h_1$ transforms instances of $f$ into instances of $g$, and $h_2$ is a function from $\mathbb{N}$ to $\mathbb{N}$ such that $f = h_2 \circ g \circ h_1$.


Emil Jeřábek points out that $h_2$ should also have access to the original input, which I suppose is equivalent to a Turing reduction with a single oracle call.

  • $\begingroup$ This is a wrong definition of many-one reduction: $h_2$ must have access to the original input as well. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19 at 12:27
  • $\begingroup$ Good point, thank you! I have edited the question. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19 at 15:06

3 Answers 3


Of course, if all of the functions in #P are computable in deterministic polynomial time, then the answer to your question is "no". I think that it would be a very interesting theorem if one could prove unconditionally that the answer is "no". I am rather confident that the answer to your question is not known.

Note that there are very likely many functions in $FP^{\#P}$ that are not in #P. There is a recent paper by Ikenmeyer & Pak (FOCS 2022) discussing various unlikely consequences if certain functions in GapP are in #P (where GapP is the class of integer-valued functions that are the difference of two #P functions). The reference section to [Ikenmeyer, Pak] lists earlier work that also touched on this topic. One can construct artifical examples of functions in $FP^{\#P}$ that are complete under poly-time Turing reductions but seem unlikely to be complete under reductions that make only one query. (For example, you can define a function f such that f(x,y) = PERM(x), where y is a string of length |x| that one builds by asking a series of questions such as "Is g(xz) even or odd" where z is initially the empty string and is built bit-by-bit, depending on the answers to earlier queries. But this function is unlikely to be in #P.

It is quite conceivable that one could prove a theorem of the form "If Z is true, then functions f and g exist satisfying the conditions you ask about in your question" where Z is some plausible complexity-theoretic condition. I'm not aware of any theorem of this form that has been proved.


I believe this is open, even if you assume $\mathsf{FP} \neq \mathsf{\# P}$.

It's closely related to parsimonious reductions. If $R,S$ are relations defining languages in NP (that is, $L_R = \{x : (\exists w)[|w| \leq poly(|x|), (x, w) \in R\}$ is in NP). Let $\# R(x) = \#\{w : (x,w) \in R \text{ and } |w| \leq poly(|x|)\}$, the number of witnesses that $x \in L_R$. A poly-time parsimonious reduction is then a many-one reduction $f$ - $x \in L_R$ iff $f(x) \in L_S$ - that furthermore satisfies $\# R(x) = \# S(f(x))$.

Let's call a reduction "weakly parsimonious" (I've seen the concept somewhere before, but don't remember if this is the right name and can't find a reference) if it is like a parsimonious reduction, except that there is additionally a poly-time function $h_2$ (named to be consistent w/ the OQ) such that $\#R(x) = h_2(\#S(f(x)), x)$. If an NP-complete relation/problem is complete under weakly parsimonious reductions, then its associated counting function is $\# P$-complete under many-one reductions.

But the analogous question for many-one versus Turing reductions to define $\mathsf{NP}$-completeness is open, but they are different assuming $\mathsf{NP}$ does not have p-measure zero within $\mathsf{E}$ (Lutz-Mayordomo, see this answer). It would be interesting to see a resolution of this question under a similar resource-bounded measure assumption.


The answer to your question is in this paper Cook reductions blur structural differences between functional complexity classes.

  • $\begingroup$ This does not answer the question. What the paper calls Cook[1] reduction is what is called in this question (and generally known as) many-one reduction. What the paper calls Karp reduction is what is normally known as parsimonious reduction; it is the restricted version of many-one reduction where you additionally assume $h_2$ is the identity. So they show that a specific subclass of #P is #P-complete under many-one reductions, but not under parsimonious reductions, unless P = NP. But the mere existence of such a problem is trivial: e.g., take $f(x)+1$, where $f$ is a #P-complete ... $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 2 at 9:01
  • $\begingroup$ ... problem (this cannot be #P-complete under parsimonious reductions as it never takes the value $0$). For a nonartificial example, the permanent of 0–1 matricies is #P-complete under many-one reductions, but not under parsimonious reductions unless P = NP, as it is decidable in P whether a 0–1 matrix has permanent 0. In any case, this has nothing to do with the question of distinguishing many-one reductions from Turing reductions. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 2 at 9:04

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