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The mathematical theory of codes, as used in communication, data compression, and cryptography.

3 votes

Asymptotically good codes

Usually the question is interesting for constant alphabet sizes, since otherwise Reed-Solomon codes obviously achieve the Singleton bound. For constant (but still large) alphabet sizes, there are exp …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
6 votes

Applications of Spectral Graph Theory in Information and Coding Theory

Cayley graphs of codes and derandomized code products can be a good example. See the following thesis (Chapter 6) for details and references:
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
7 votes

Boolean error correcting code over $\mathbb{F}_q$

Yes. For example, a Reed-Solomon code contains a BCH code, which is a binary linear code, as a sub-code. These are called subfield-subcodes.
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
3 votes

Surveys on Algorithmic Problems in Coding Theory

There are known worst-case hardness results about ML decoding (for general and specific families of codes such as Reed-Solomon), computing or approximating minimum distance of codes, and so on. Howeve …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
1 vote

Notation of sequences in rate distortion theory

In information theory notation, capital letters such as $X$ denote random variables, and lowercase letters such as $x$ mean their possible outcomes (i.e., fixed values). For example you can write the …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
14 votes

Maximum subset of words with Hamming distance ≥ D

In coding theory, the quantity you are looking for is called $A_q(n, d)$, where $n$ is the length of vectors, $d$ is the minimum distance between them, and $q$ is the alphabet size (omitted when $q=2$ …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
2 votes

Why does Huffman coding eliminate entropy that Lempel-Ziv doesn't?

The short answer is, LZ is a "universal" algorithm in that it doesn't need to know the exact distribution of the source (just needs the assumption that the source is stationary and ergodic). But Huffm …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
4 votes

Surveys on Network Coding

Check out the following two monographs on the topic: [1] C. Fragouli and E. Soljanin, Network Coding Fundamentals, Foundations and Trends in Networking, Now Publishers, June 2007. [2] C. Fragouli an …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
11 votes

"long code test" and "dictatorship test"

"Long code" and "Dictator code" are two different names for the same code. Here's why: Let's start with the natural definition of the long code: The message is an $n$-bit string $i$ (the reason I'm c …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar
5 votes

Reference request for linear algebra over GF(2)

Strangely, linear algebra specific to finite fields is best studied in textbooks on the theory of error-correcting codes (for example, MacWilliams and Sloane). Pretty much all familiar notions in line …
Mahdi Cheraghchi's user avatar