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Questions tagged [bounded-depth]

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5 votes
1 answer

$AC^0$[subexp] vs. NC

My question is about the possibility of trading size for depth in circuits. Under what conditions is it true (or, plausible) that $AC^0[2^{n^\delta}] \subseteq NC^i$ for some constants $\delta < 1, ...
zfkmz's user avatar
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Variable wire weights in DLOGTIME-uniform circuits

The definition of a $DLOGTIME$-uniform circuit family is based on a Turing machine that accepts the language $\langle t, a, b \rangle$, where gate $a$ is of type $t$ and has gate $b$ as a child, ...
Jake's user avatar
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Height of AVL tree with random elements

I know that for an AVL tree of N nodes, the depth of the tree is bounded by $$ \log_2(N + 1) -1 \leq height \leq c \log_2(N + 2) + b$$ where $c,b$ are taken from the golden ratio linked to the worst ...
Binou's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Low-depth arithmetic complexity of the product of $k$ matrices

Is anything known about the size of $\Sigma\Pi\Sigma$ (or other constant depth) circuits for the product of $k$ matrices? Trivial upper bounds (up to small factors) are: if $k=2$, then there are $\...
ivmihajlin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Commitment schemes with verification in NC0

Is there any secure cryptographic commitment scheme, where the verification routine can be implemented in $NC^0$? If so, what is the minimum possible depth of the circuit for verification? Applebaum ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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9 votes
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Is nonuniform $\mathsf{TC^0}$ equal to the composition closure of $\mathsf{AC^0}$ and Majority?

D.A.M. Barrington, N. Immerman and H. Straubing show in their 1990 paper "On Uniformity Within $\mathsf{NC^1}$" that the uniform $\mathsf{TC^0}$ is equal to $\mathsf{FOM}$ ($\mathsf{FO}$ ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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9 votes
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Evaluation of bounded-depth circuits

Is the evaluation problem for $\mathsf{AC}^0_d$ circuits in $\mathsf{AC}^0_{d+1}$? What is the least depth $k(d)$ such that the evaluation of an $\mathsf{AC}^0_d$ circuits can be computed in $\mathsf{...
Kaveh's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

$\mathsf{TC^0}$-completeness and reductions

AFAIU, we don't know any problem which is complete for $\mathsf{TC^0}$ w.r.t. many-one $\mathsf{AC^0}$ reductions ($\leq^\mathsf{AC^0}_m$). On the other hand, proving that they don't exist would ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Does the $\mathsf{TC^0}$ hierarchy collapse?

Do we know that the $\mathsf{TC^0}$ hierarchy does not collapse ($\mathsf{TC^0_d} \subsetneq \mathsf{TC^0_{d+1}}$ for all $d$)? The Zoo entry for $\mathsf{TC^0}$ only mentions the separation between ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Does $\mathsf{P/poly}$ have subexponential-size bounded-depth circuits?

Is there any plausible complexity/crypto hypothesis that rules out the possibility that polynomial size circuits have subexponential-size (i.e. $2^{O(n^\epsilon)}$ with $\epsilon<1$) bounded-depth (...
Kaveh's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Practical consequences of $Parity \notin AC^0$

Background Circuit complexity $AC^0$ is defined as the set of circuit families (i.e. sequences of circuits, one for each input size) of bounded depth and polynomial size built using unbounded fan-in ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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