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Sam Tobin-Hochstadt's user avatar
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt's user avatar
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
37 votes

Most memorable CS paper titles

23 votes

Is there an expressiveness hierarchy for type systems?

19 votes

Historic Relationship between Typed Lambda Calculus and Lisp?

11 votes

Research on call-site based type inference?

11 votes

Is there a survey of the semantics of various programming language features?

10 votes

Is there any programming language theory describing foreign function interfaces (FFI) and multiple language bindings?

10 votes

Applications of Game theory in computer science?

9 votes

Are register based machines on von neumann architecture diametrically opposed to functional programming style?

8 votes

Beautiful results in TCS

8 votes

Automatic proofs or model checking in an extremely simplified functional language

8 votes

Resumption-based IO systems?

7 votes

Early References for Transition System Semantics of Programs

6 votes

Classes and types in object-oriented languages

6 votes

(concise?) definition of thread safety

6 votes

Reynolds: "the basic laws of variable binding"

6 votes

Functions that typed lambda calculus cannot compute

6 votes

TCS conferences for undergraduate students?

4 votes

Relationship between shift-reduce parsing and delimited continuations?

3 votes

Mathematical explanation of recursion and lambda (referenced in The Little Schemer)

2 votes

Is contextual equivalence of a language with `quote`-`eval` trivial or not?

2 votes

What tools do you use to give presentations?

2 votes

Is there any work done on developing difference-calculus of Turing Machines (or simpler Formal Languages)

1 vote

Are there any annotated formal verification systems for pure functional programming languages?