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P versus NP and other resource-bounded computation.

7 votes
1 answer

Order notation quirk

Is it true that $$O(n) = \bigcap \{ O(g) \mid g \in \omega(n) \}?$$ This appears to be a straighforward question about sets of functions, but on closer examination leads to some murky waters. I woul …
András Salamon's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Name for "uniformly polynomial" subclass of XP?

Suppose $L$ is a parameterized language with respect to some alphabet $\Sigma$. The $k$-slice of $L$ is $L_k = L \cap \{(x,k) \mid x \in \Sigma^{*}\}$, the set of instances in $L$ which have parameter …
András Salamon's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Limits of variants of Independent Set?

Independent Set (IS) is the $\mathsf{NP}$-complete decision problem Input: graph $G$ with $v=|V(G)|$, integer $k$ Question: is there an independent set $S \subseteq V(G)$ with at least $k$ vertices? …
András Salamon's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Quadratic relationship between nondeterministic and deterministic space?

Savitch's theorem shows that $\mathrm{NSPACE}(f(n)) \subseteq \mathrm{DSPACE}(f(n)^2)$ for all large enough functions $f$, and proving that this is tight has been an open problem for decades. Suppose …
András Salamon's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is bounded-width SAT decidable in logspace?

Elberfeld, Jakoby, and Tantau 2010 (ECCC TR10-062) proved a space-efficient version of Bodlaender's theorem. They showed that for graphs with treewidth at most $k$, a tree decomposition of width $k$ c …
András Salamon's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Reductions between languages of different densities?

The density of a language $X$ is a function $d_X \colon \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ defined as $$d_X(n) = |\{x\in X \mid |x| \le n\}|.$$ Suppose $A$ and $B$ are languages over some finite alphabet, $A$ …
András Salamon's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Is this graph communication game known?

Let $X_m=[m]=\{0,1,\dots,m-1\}$ and let $Y_m=[2m]\setminus [m]$. Given is a complete bipartite graph $G_m$, with parts $X_m$ and $Y_m$ and edges $\{x,y\}$ for every $x\in X_m$ and $y\in Y_m$. Alice an …
András Salamon's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Consequences of bipartite perfect matching not in NL?

Are any significant consequences known of $\text{BPM} \not\in \textsf{NL}$? I'm interested in the status of the following well-studied decision problem, in particular whether it is known to be …
András Salamon's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Can Quarter-Subset Membership be decided space-efficiently?

Consider the following decision problem. Let $q = \sum_{i=0}^{n/4} \binom{n}{i}$ and let $(C_0^n, C_1^n,\dots,C_{q-1}^n)$ be a suitable enumeration of those subsets of $\{0,1,\dots,n-1\}$ that have at …
András Salamon's user avatar
17 votes
0 answers

Deeper look at Algorithmica?

Russell Impagliazzo published "A Personal View of Average-Case Complexity" (preprint) back in 1995. He presented five possible worlds we could be living in, depending on how P and NP were related. The …
András Salamon's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Improving Cook's generic reduction for Clique to SAT?

I am interested in reducing $k$-Clique to SAT without making the instance much larger. Clique is in NP so it can be reduced to SAT using logarithmic space. The straightforward Garey/Johnson textbook …
András Salamon's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

2FA state complexity of k-Clique?

In simple form: Can a two-way finite automaton recognize $v$-vertex graphs that contain a triangle with $o(v^3)$ states? Details Of interest here are $v$-vertex graphs encoded using a sequence …
András Salamon's user avatar
4 votes

Problems Between P and NPC

A problem that is not known to be either in FP or to be NP-hard is the problem of finding a minimal Steiner tree when the Steiner vertices are promised to fall on two straight line segments intersecti …
4 votes

Evidence that UniqueSat is dense

As far as I can tell, UniqueSAT is exponentially dense, in the sense that it contains $2^{\Omega(n)}$ instances of size $n$. (This is a stronger requirement than $2^{n^\varepsilon}$ for infinitely man …
András Salamon's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

How to prove that USTCONN requires logarithmic space?

USTCONN is the problem that requires deciding whether there is a path from the source vertex $s$ to the target vertex $t$ in a graph $G$, where these are all given as part of the input. Omer Reingold …
András Salamon's user avatar

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