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Unanswered Questions

3,748 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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1 answer

Assign each biclique to a distinct left

Given a minimum biclique edge cover, is it always possible to assign each biclique to a distinct left node (which it contains)? ie one such assignment for this graph (from wikipedia): http://upload....
-2 votes
1 answer

What are some natural problems that we can quickly find a solution to using massive parallelism but not a canonical solution?

For many problems, more than one output is acceptable. For instance, the problem of finding an assignment that satisfies a boolean formula. If randomness buys us something then it could be that it ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Problem in embedding

I want to embed PPTL(a kind of logic) in Coq. Because of its complex semantics, I just embed its systax. ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How to check if an algorithm in a distributed system worked within restraints?

I want to design a system in which a program is sent along with data and then it answers with the result. Is redundancy a must in this situation to check for correctness of the processed data? What is ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Find all items which are subsets of an item

I have a problem that I think should have been studied. I am looking for algorithms for it. Each item is a set of key-value pairs. Let $x$ be an item and $F$ be a set of items. Each key and each ...
-3 votes
0 answers

Can adding variables solve 3-SAT in polynomial time with MOD 2?

For an invertible matrix "A," the solutions to the equation "A x = 1 (mod 2)" and those obtained by satisfying a logical OR condition may sometimes coincide, but this is not always ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Can one do descriptive complexity theory using abstract state machines?

I learned about ASM recently and was interested how it could used for descriptive complexity theory. Such link seems natural to me: you can give construction of algebraic model for formula as an ASM. ...
-3 votes
1 answer

help me understand what semiprime factorizations are worth

Based on a response I received in another post, I would like to ask this question. Are there semiprimes that are not very interesting in terms of research and are not worth factoring? Are only the RSA ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Can we map this problem to subset-sum?

Let there be $n$ set of ordered pairs $s_1=\{(c_1,f_1),(c_1,f_2) ...(c_1,f_m)\}$, $s_2=\{(c_2,f_1),(c_2,f_2) ...(c_2,f_m)\}$, $s_3=\{(c_3,f_1),(c_3,f_2) ...(c_3,f_m)\}$, .... $s_n=\{(c_n,f_1)(c_n,f_2) ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Continous work distribution algorithm with failover

Imagine there's a system where there's N workers and M units of work, for example, N ≤ 64, M = 256. Is there an algorithm that ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Leader election algorithm in a grid

I have to write a leader election algorithm in an unoriented mesh (a grid a*b), with many initiators. Someone give me an indication to wake up each node and then make an election in the exterior ring ...
-3 votes
1 answer

AVL-tree T: can T be a chain (linear BST) according to the definition?

AVL-tree T: can T be a chain (linear BST) according to the definition ? The definition of an AVL-tree is as follows: A binary search tree (BST) is called an AVL-tree if for every internal node $v$ ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Efficient algorithm to create a directed dependency graph

I am looking for an efficient algorithm to create a graph like this: Initially the graph is filled with x then hs then ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Why is the zero value ignored while deriving a ranking function for query terms in Probabilistic IR?

Take for instance equation 67 and 68 from this chapter: the value of $P(q|R=1,q)$ can become zero if the term is not present in the document, and as all probabilities are multiplied, the probability ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Mapping input and output sequences using neural networks in high dimensional data

I have this huge dimensional data with 31200 features and only 6000 examples. I want to learn a neural network that can find the non linear relation between the input and outputs. However, I have ...

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