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Questions tagged [pcp]

Probabilistically checkable proofs

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What does Håstad verifier query?

I am learning about Håstad 3-Query PCP theorem so what follows reflects my poor understanding of the subject. I am slightly confused by the 3-queries that the verifier does to check if a given $\...
User's user avatar
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PCP without reading the statement

The PCP theorem (very imprecisely!) states that for every $x\in L\in NP$ there is a polynomial witness $w$ such that for some random algorithm it is enough to read a constant number of bits of $w$ to ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Application of PCP and error correcting codes to LLMs?

Are there any interesting results in applying error correcting codes and ideas from PCP (Probabilistically Checkable Proofs) to improve the quality of large language models (LLM), or connecting them ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Looking for an implementation of any PCP-verifier for any NP problem

Is there any implementation of any PCP-verifier (for any NP problem) researchers can download and test? No matter if it is a github entry with actual downloadable code or just a (reasonably detailed) ...
EXPTIME-complete's user avatar
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Why does Dinur's proof of the PCP theorem fail to work for unique games?

What is the critical step where things go wrong if one attempts to use Dinur's proof the PCP theorem to prove the unique games conjecture by starting from a unique label cover instance and doing gap ...
user's user avatar
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Technical lemma about curves used in original proof of PCP theorem

I am reading the proof from here and found a technical lemma that seems to be incorrect (its proof is short and very vague). I know this is rather specific and the context is problematic, but I couldn'...
Don Fanucci's user avatar
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Results comparing BQP and NEXP

Are there oracle results with $$P=NP\neq BQP=NEXP\mbox{ and }P=NP\neq BQP\neq NEXP?$$ Also is there a $PCP$ characterization of $BQP$ like $$PCP(O(poly(n)),1)=PCP(O(poly(n)),O(poly(n)))=NEXP?$$
Turbo's user avatar
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12 votes
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Technical issue with PCP theorem proof

I am reading the proof from here and I stumbled upon a technical (yet crucial) problem. I know this is rather specific and the context is problematic, but I couldn't figure it out myself. In pages 51 ...
Don Fanucci's user avatar
9 votes
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Best known asymptotic PCP sizes / 3-SAT

What are the best known asymptotic upper bounds on sizes of probabilistically checkable proofs? Ideally, I am looking for a contemporary survey on this broad question, but if there is none, I am ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Does $\textbf{PCP}[poly(n), O(1)] = \textbf{coRP}$?

Something has been buzzing me recently. It is well-known that $\textbf{PCP}[poly(n), 0] = \textbf{coRP}$, but does $\textbf{PCP}[poly(n), O(1)] = \textbf{coRP}$ ? I have found a proof for this ...
Askannz's user avatar
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Proof of Majority is stablest in "reverse" in the MAXCUT hardness paper by Khot et al

This is about Proposition 7.4 here. I think there is a slight error in the proof of this proposition. Basically, authors have taken $g$ to be the odd part of the function $f$. Due to which we can say ...
Vimal Raj Sharma's user avatar
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PCP research proposal [closed]

Hi I am taking an undergraduate taking a course in Probabilistic checkable Proofs. I will greatly appreciate if you can suggest some good research ideas and pertaining reading for someone who is just ...
BrownGal's user avatar
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Non-trivial PCP characterizations of complexity classes beyond ELEMENTARY?

There are interesting results of the form $PCP[a(n), b(n)] = \texttt{SOMECLASS(n)}$ for multiple classes in the exponential hierarchy: the most famous one is probably $PCP[O(log(n)), O(1)] = NP$. Are ...
Clément's user avatar
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hardness of approximating clique: how using FGLSS reduction with PCP verifier of hastad

I try to understand the $n^{1-\epsilon}$ hardness of approximating clique for any $\epsilon$ provided in [1]: In fact, I only want to understand the proof of ...
user32018's user avatar
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Universal constant for bivariate testing

In the seminal paper of Polishchuk and Spielman where they give a construction of nearly linear sized $PCP$ for an $NP$ problem, one of the key ingredients is a low-degree test for bivariate ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Low-degree testing in PCP Theorem using bivariate polynomials

I read about modifications of the low-degree test used in the (first) proof of the PCP theorem. The test used in the proof works over randomly chosen lines while modifications allow choosing random ...
Schnatzi's user avatar
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Testing - Correcting Pairs in PCPs

The BLR linearity test and the low degree test are two common tools in PCPs. By my understanding these tests ensure bounds such that (self-) correctors can be applied. I have two questions regarding ...
Schnatzi's user avatar
9 votes
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A purely graph-theoretic explanation of the reduction from Unique Label Cover to Max-Cut

I am studying the Unique Games Conjecture and the famous reduction to Max-Cut of Khot et al. From their paper and elsewhere on the internet, most authors use (what to me is) an implicit equivalence ...
Jeremy Kun's user avatar
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If SAT is in PCP, for some constant q, then P = NP

I have seen this statement before, but I haven't really seen a proof of it: If $SAT\in PCP_{1,2^{−q}}[\log(n),q]$, for some constant $q$, then $P = NP$. Now, if $SAT\in PCP_{1,2^{−q}}[\log(n),q]$, ...
matthon's user avatar
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Can NP-hard statements be proved by PCPs that only involve reading 2 bits?

For non-negative integers q, let PCP(q) denote the set of promise problems that have polynomial-length probabalistically checkable proofs over the binary alphabet in which the verifier only reads q ...
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From CHSH inequality to CHSH game

I have been going through Certifiable quantum dice: or, true random number generation secure against quantum adversaries by Umesh Vazirani and Thomas Vidick. They have used entangled particles as ...
Omar Shehab's user avatar
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How are PCPs and ZKPs related?

I only have a (very) introductory knowledge about the Hardness of Approximation and PCP theorem, and I am wondering if it has any specific implications (or can somehow be studied) with Zero Knowledge ...
Subhayan's user avatar
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Bivariate low-degree polynomial testing of Polishchuk-Spielman

In the seminal paper of Polishchuk and Spielman where they give a construction of nearly linear sized $PCP$ for an $NP$ problem, one of the key ingredients is a low-degree test for bivariate ...
Brat's user avatar
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Is a software implementation of a PCP encoder available?

We all know the PCP Theorem. Is there any software package availalbe taking a CNF in e.g. DIMACS format as input, and producing a PCP encoding in the same format as output? It might be interesting to ...
Martin Schwarz's user avatar
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Multi prover, verifier games and PCP theorem

This question came up while I was going through Siu On Chan's paper on Approximation Resistance. My question is not really related to the paper though. I also guess that this is more of a reference ...
user74057's user avatar
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number of PCP queries

we know from the PCP theorem that $PCP[O(log(n)),O(1)]=NP$,what if we choose specific number of queries will the theorem hold ?
Fayez Abdlrazaq Deab's user avatar
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How to start studying topics Hardness of approximation and PCP's

Recently I have done an introductory course on complexity theory ( which covered 90% of sipser text book). Now I would like to study the topics Hardness of approximation and PCP's. Can you please ...
Kumar's user avatar
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Does Dinur's proof of PCP Theorem imply a procedure for reconstructing a witness?

In Section 3.2 of On Syntactic versus Computational Views on Approximability by Khanna, et al., the authors state that an adaptation of the results from Proof Verification and Hardness of ...
argentpepper's user avatar
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What is the query and randomness complexity for very efficient PCPs?

In the 2012 paper On the Concrete-Efficiency Threshold of Probabilistically-Checkable Proofs, the authors state the following (paraphrased from page 11). Theorem 1 (informal). There is a PCP system ...
argentpepper's user avatar
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Hardness of approximation without the PCP theorem

An important application of the PCP theorem is that it yields "hardness of approximation" type results. In some relatively simpler cases one can prove such hardness without PCP. Is there, however, any ...
Andras Farago's user avatar
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$\mathcal{MA}$ in terms of $\mathcal{PCP}$

The probabilistic proof system $\mathcal{PCP}[f(n),g(n)]$ is commonly referred to as a restriction of $\mathcal{MA}$, where Arthur can only use $f(n)$ random bits and can only examine $g(n)$ bits of ...
Belle's user avatar
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One-sided errors in probablistic proof systems

In most probabilistic proof systems ( PCP theorem, for instance), the error-probabilities are usually defined on the side of the false-positives, i.e., a typical definition could look like : if $x \...
Arnab's user avatar
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Connection between PCP and L=SL

The book by Arora and Barak contains in chapter notes on PCP We note that Dinur's general strategy is somewhat reminiscent of the zig-zag construction of expander graphs and Reingold's ...
sdcvvc's user avatar
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Interesting PCP characterization of classes smaller than P?

The PCP theorem, $\mathsf{NP} = \mathsf{PCP}(\mathsf{log}\, n, 1)$, involves probabilistically checkable proofs with polynomial time verifiers, so the smallest class that can be characterized in this ...
argentpepper's user avatar
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Consequences of Unique Games being a NPI problem

Assume that UG is $\mathsf{NPI}$, i.e. not solvable in $\mathsf{P}$ nor in $\mathsf{NP\text{-}complete}$ (so UGC is false). Is it still NP-hard to give a $(2-\epsilon)$ polytime approximation ...
NicosM's user avatar
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Non adaptive PCP

So this is a question from Arora, Barak textbook which was on our homework. I submitted it so no worries. :) The question asks us to simulate an adaptive PCP with a non-adaptive one. It says this can ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Is there a continuous version of parallel repetition theorem

Raz's Parallel pretition theorem is an important result in PCP, inapproximation, etc. The theorem is fomalized as follows. A game $G=(\mathcal{S},\mathcal{T},\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B},\pi, V)$, where $\...
pyao's user avatar
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More legent proof of MIP=NEXP using the PCP theorem

Can we prove $\mathsf{MIP}=\mathsf{NEXP}$ using the PCP theorem $\mathsf{NP}=\mathsf{PCP(log(n),O(1))}$ as a shortcut? $\mathsf{MIP}$ is the class of languages with multi-prover interactive proof ...
dan's user avatar
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Do good PCPs for NP give us good PCPs for the entire polynomial hierarchy?

The PCP Theorem states that every decision problem in NP has probabilistically checkable proofs (or equivalently, that there exists a complete and quasi-sound proof system for theorems in NP using ...
Ross Snider's user avatar
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Super-polynomial time approximation algorithms for MAX 3SAT

The PCP theorem states that there is no polynomial time algorithm for MAX 3SAT to find an assignment satisfying $7/8+ \epsilon$ clauses of a satisfiable 3SAT formula unless $P = NP$. There is a ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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On the need for a self-correcting function in the PCP theorem

Original proof of the PCP theorem, uses self-correction property of linear functions. Assume we have $f: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}$, a function or table of values, that is $(1-\delta)$-close to ...
j.s.'s user avatar
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Is there a gap amplification type of result for the Graph Isomorphism Problem?

Suppose $G_1$ and $G_2$ are two undirected graphs on vertex set $\{1, \dotsc, n\}$. The graphs are isomorphic if and only if there is a permutation $\Pi$ such that $G_1 = \Pi(G_2)$, or more formally, ...
Andre Chailloux's user avatar
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Effect of serial repetition on soundness of a PCP, and what is special with 1/2?

As far as I know, following operations convert a $PCP_{1,s}[O(\log n),O(1)]$ , to a $PCP_{1,s’}[O(\log n),O(1)]$, with following $s’$ : By constant number of applications of serial repetition: can ...
j.s.'s user avatar
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hardness of approximation result for a Min-CSP, by reduction from PCPs

Reduction from PCPs allow us to prove hardness of approximation results for a number of constraint satisfaction problems. I've seen such a reductions only for Max-CSPs. Is this possible only for Max-...
j.s.'s user avatar
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Approximating Random MAX-k-SAT

It is known [de la Vega & Karpinski 2002] that random instances of MAX-3-SAT on $n$ variables can be approximated up to fraction at least 8/9 w.h.p. tending to 1 as $n$ tends to infinity. Should ...
Lior Eldar's user avatar
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Degree reduction step in Dinur's proof of the PCP theorem

In the degree reduction step of Dinur's proof, the input graph $G$ is transformed into a graph $G'$ by replacing each vertex $v \in V(G)$ by a set of vertices, $cloud(v)$, such that $|cloud(v)| = ...
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17 votes
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Is there a simple argument that shows that the unique games conjecture implies the PCP theorem

how can one show that what is relation between "Unique games conjecture" and "PCP theorem"? how does one explain "Unique games conjecture" is stronger form of "PCP theorem"?
j.s.'s user avatar
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Alphabet Reduction Step in PCP Proof

I understand that the purpose of the alphabet reduction step in Dinur's proof of the PCP theorem is to reduce the alphabet after the graph powering stage. However, I don't see why the alphabet needs ...
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11 votes
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PCP Theorem - Alphabet Reduction Step

What follows might seem stupid (and that probably reflects my poor understanding - so please bear with me) I had a query on PCP theorem. We know that after the first three steps viz. Degree Reduction,...
Akash Kumar's user avatar
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PCPs with imperfect completeness

The traditional definition of PCPs have perfect completeness -- If $x\in L$, then the prover can give a proof on which the verifier (on reading constantly many bits) always accepts. Suppose we modify ...
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