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Questions tagged [complexity]

31 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does small circuits for a NP-complete problem contradict ETH?

The remarks of the Theorem 4 in the paper "On the complexity of circuit satisfiability" claims that: if circuit satisfiability (CktSat) problem can be decided by deterministic circuits of $2^{o(n)}$ ...
Jacobs's user avatar
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11 votes
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Error in paper "Some NP-complete geometric problems"?

The paper in question: M.R. Garey, R.L. Graham and D.S. Johnson. Some NP-complete geometric problems . This paper proofs the NP-completeness of some well-known problems, such as the Steiner Tree ...
J. Schmidt's user avatar
10 votes
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Is 4-Coloring restricted to graphs with crossing number 1 NP-complete?

Planar graphs are 4-colorable. Determining if a planar graph is 3-colorable is NP-Complete. A graph with a crossing number 1 (graph such that it can be drawn with $\le 1$ crossing) is 5-colorable. ...
William Gasarch's user avatar
8 votes
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SAT Solvers and their applications

I've been reading and learning about SAT solvers this week. If they can solve problems with thousands of variable quickly haven't we practically solved ANY problem that can be reduced to it, including ...
Code_Newbie's user avatar
7 votes
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How is FNP defined? Or, is FNP closed under relaxation?

I hope this isn't a dumb question, but I've been driving myself nuts regarding the following. The definition of $\mathsf{FNP}$ that I've found in many places is the following: A relation $R(x,y)$ is ...
Noah Stephens-Davidowitz's user avatar
6 votes
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Complexity of validity of first-order logic over finite words with bounded quantifier alternation?

I'm concerned with the validity problem for sentences of first-order logic over finite words, i.e. $FO[\le]$ interpreted over finite subsets of $\mathbb{N}$. AFAIK it should be nonelementary. However,...
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there well-accepted attempts of people to create complexity classes in continuous time?

I'm not in CS theory, but I've talked to a complexity theorist recently who, in passing, suggested that my research (not really analog computing, but hypercomputation using physical systems in ...
Daniel Primosch's user avatar
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Any known connections between open problems for time and space: P vs L, NP vs NL, BPP vs BPL, ⊕P vs ⊕L

It would be nice to show that $P=L$ implies $NP=NL$. Or, $NP=NL$ implies $UP=UL$. Or maybe, $⊕P = ⊕L$ implies $PP = PL$. Are there any known connections between the problems: P vs L, UP vs UL, NP ...
Michael Wehar's user avatar
4 votes
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Reference for cost of translating between regular language formalisms

It is well-known that regular languages can be defined equivalently via many formalisms, among which regular expressions, NFAs, finite monoids, Monadic Second-Order logic (MSO). The cost (say in size ...
Denis's user avatar
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Any problems for which we know the complexity, but no algorithms with the same time?

I suddenly found myself wondering if there are any problems for which the complexity (time or space or anything else) is proven, say to be O(n^2), but for which the best known algorithms are worse ...
MinusPi's user avatar
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Natural Problems NSPACE[n] but not in DTIME[n]

It is known that $\mathrm{DTIME}[n]\subseteq \mathrm{DSPACE}[n/\log n]$. Therefore, there are languages in $\mathrm{DSPACE}[n]$ which are not in $\mathrm{DTIME}[o(n\log n)]$. Are there examples of "...
Parachutes's user avatar
3 votes
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Collapse of query and oracle hierarchies

Let ${\tt QH}$ stand for the Query Hierarchy, defined as the union of all classes ${\tt P}^{{\tt NP}[k]}$, of problems solvable by polynomial time machines making at most $k$ queries to ${\tt NP}$ and ...
user6767509's user avatar
3 votes
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Complexity of chess with 50-move rule

It is known that evaluating who wins in $n \times n$ chess positions is EXP-complete (and thus unconditionally not in P), and this effect is due to the game having rich possibilities for exponentially ...
Alexey Slizkov's user avatar
3 votes
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Extending fagin’s theorem for #P (for arbitary structure)

While i am reading Descriptive complexity of #P functions (Saluja) in theorem 1 he state that #FO coincides #P on ordered structures. This is a corollary from fagin’s theorem. I have read fagin’s ...
Omid Yaghoubi's user avatar
3 votes
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Implications of resolving $BPP$ vs $PSPACE$

The relationship between the complexity classes $BPP$, $P$, and $NEXP$ is currently undetermined. We know that $P \neq EXP$ by the time hierarchy theorem, but we don't know if $BPP = P$ (as many ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any work that relates the liveness of a Petri Net to the complexity of determining coverability?

I'm working on a problem where the formalism appears to be an abstraction of a kind of Petri net, and it is possible to construct an equivalent Petri net from this formalism with the same behavior. ...
Vivin Paliath's user avatar
2 votes
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Looking for Research in Cryptographic Computing

I recall reading in college about a nascent research area regarding cryptographic techniques for secure computing, relating to zero-knowledge proofs, but I am having trouble remembering the exact term....
Kevin Dolan's user avatar
2 votes
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Circuit complexity lower bounds and uniformity

I have troubles to understand how lower bounds w.r.t. circuit complexity and upper bounds w.r.t. uniform machine models can be used to show completeness results. For example, the word problem for ...
Veto's user avatar
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Is there any exsiting research on this kind of "sorting with constraint" problem?

I have been interested in this kind of "sorting with constraint" problem: Given $n$ items $\{S_1 ,S_2 ,...S_n\}$ with corresponding weight $w_i ,i=1,2,...,n$, we want to sort these $n$ items (i.e. ...
RIC_Eien's user avatar
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Separating disjoint PSPACE-hard sets by NP-separators (and some variants)

I am trying to find some references or arguments for results of the form, where $X,Y$ vary over complexity classes, typically with $X\subseteq Y$, and $A,B$ are disjoint languages that are $Y$-hard: ...
Anupam Das's user avatar
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Cheapest Insertion is $2$-approximation for TSP

Consider the Cheapest Insertion Algorithm on a complete graph with $n$ vertices, where each edge $uv$ has a weight $w(uv)$, and the weights satisfy the triangle inequality $w(xz)\leq w(xy)+w(yz)$ for ...
Ioana Roman's user avatar
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Deterministic one way communication complexity for message with arbitrary length

Let Alice have a binary string of length $n$ that it wants to send to Bob along a one-bit communication channel. However, Bob does not know the length of the message. I have been looking into ...
Koko Nanahji's user avatar
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What is the computational complexity of the fastest algorithm to compute Jordan canonical form for a matrix

Given a matrix, What is the computational complexity of the fastest algorithm to compute Jordan canonical form for the matrix? suppose the value of elements of the matrix and eigenvalue are complex ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Sentences in what kinds of grammar in the Chomsky hierarchy can be parsed by an LSTM of a given size?

Given an LSTM $N$ of a given size $A$, a sentence $S$ with a given number of words $B$, a Chomsky grammar hierarchy level $C$ in 0-3, a Chomsky grammar $G$ of level $C$ of size $D$, A given fixed, ...
Lars Ericson's user avatar
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Complexity of Maximum Independent Set (or Vertex Cover) on disk packing graphs

I'm interested in complexity results for Maximum Independent Set (or Vertex Cover) problem over the class of disk packing graphs. Having a set of disks we build a graph that has its vertices at the ...
KKS's user avatar
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Equivalent SDP problems different solving times

I have two SDP problems which are proved to be equivalent (in terms of optimal objective values) to each other in theory. Moreover, they have same number of constraints and variables respectively. ...
justaskquestion's user avatar
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Is there any theory that allows to compute the computational complexity boundaries like this?

I recently had an interview, at which I was asked to solve the following problem: you have a sorted array of integers, and you need to find if there are 3 numbers that sum to 0. The brute force ...
Sergey Demyanov's user avatar
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Regret bound of returned policies

I encountered a proof in the paper Imitation Projected Programmatic Reinforcement Learning that I find puzzling. In particular, it is Theorem A.2 in the appendix, in the section of Bounding relative ...
Shway Wang's user avatar
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Complexity of Identifying SAT Problems with a Unique Solution from Satisfiable Instances

I am curious about the computational complexity involved in identifying SAT problems that have only one solution from a set of satisfiable SAT instances. input and output: input: A satisfiable cnf ...
Jxb's user avatar
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Hardness of finding minimal subsets that will change the maximum of a univariate polynomial

Given a univariate polynomial of the form $p(x) = \prod_{0 \leq i \leq N}{(x*a_i + b_i)}$ when all of the $a_i$ and $b_i$ are numbers in the range [-1,1] and $i$ goes from $0$ to $N$ (we are given all ...
Amit Bergman's user avatar
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Complexity of multi-objective optimization problems

How can we define and prove the worst-case complexity of multi-objective optimization problems (MOOP)? It is easy to see that, if one of the objectives is an NP-Hard optimization problem, then the ...
Iago Carvalho's user avatar