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Thomas Klimpel's user avatar
Thomas Klimpel
  • Member for 11 years
  • Last seen this week
23 votes

Is anyone aware of a counter-example to the Dharwadker-Tevet Graph Isomorphism algorithm?

19 votes

Turing Machine restrictions that render halting decidable

16 votes

What evidence is there that Graph Isomorphism is not in $P$?

13 votes

Does P/poly $\neq$ NP/poly have any interesting implications?

12 votes

Is there an algorithm that finds the forbidden minors?

10 votes

Real computers have only a finite number of states, so what is the relevance of Turing machines to real computers?

9 votes

Is the finite inverse semigroup isomorphism problem GI-complete?

6 votes

doubt about two minesweeper gadgets

5 votes

Reasons to believe $P \ne NP \cap coNP$ (or not)

5 votes

Idea for a white-box PIT deterministic algorithm in polynomial time

5 votes

Why is the circuit class AC0 unavoidable?

5 votes

Problems Between P and NPC

5 votes

Polynomial-time algorithms with huge exponent/constant

4 votes

what can be said about complexity of "typical" supercomputing programs/ applications? any NP hard?

4 votes

Is there a natural problem in quasi-polynomial time, but not in polynomial time?

3 votes

The unreasonable power of non-uniformity

3 votes

Multiplication of circulant matrices with a diagonal matrix

3 votes

Alternative proofs of Schwartz–Zippel lemma

3 votes

Closure properties of $L$ (DLOGSPACE)?

3 votes

List of quantum-inspired algorithms

2 votes

Is ALogTime != PH hard to prove (and unknown)?

2 votes

Is true randomness and the physical Church-Turing thesis incompatible?

2 votes

Quasi-polynomial time algorithm for permutation group isomorphism

2 votes

Massive online collaboration for solving open problem in theoretical computer science

2 votes

Can message passing help in GI related problems?

2 votes

Relativized world where $L^A=NP^A$

2 votes

What is the difference between non-determinism and randomness?

2 votes

Is there a theory that combines category theory/abstract algebra and computational complexity?

2 votes

When is it hard to invert a sparse matrix?

1 vote

Would a proof that the traveling salesman algorithm can't be encoded on LAL also prove P!=NP?